
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Caution in the Visitation of Spirits

By St. Nikolai Velimirovich

Spiritists of our day accept every manifestation from the spiritual world as though sent by God, and immediately they boast that God has been "revealed" to them.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Near Death Experience of Saint Taxiotis the Soldier

St. Taxiotis the Soldier (Feast Day - March 28)
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich

Taxiotis was a soldier from Carthage. He spent his entire life in grievous sins, but finally repented, left the military service and lived a God-pleasing life.

While he was with his wife on his estate near the city, he committed adultery with the wife of his farm worker. Afterwards, he was bitten by a snake and died immediately.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Christopher Lee Discusses Black Magic in 1975 (video)

In 1975 noted horror actor Christopher Lee (1922-2015) was filming To the Devil, A Daughter at the (EMI) Elstree Studios, which are North of London. The interviewer here is Mark Caldwell and it was shot (originally) on 16mm film, in black and white. In it, among other things, Christopher Lee discusses the reality of the occult and black magic, and portraying the blasphemous and the profane in film.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Saint Patrick and the Druids of Ireland

By Jim Wies

Saint Patrick’s Day is the only national holiday that is regularly and continuously celebrated beyond the boundaries of the nation from which it originated. So extraordinary was the life and ministry of this man that he has become an inspiration to people all over the world.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Great Lent: A Time of Hunger and Temptation

By Protopresbyter Fr. Thomas Vamvinis

Fasting and Temptation

Fasting means I don't eat, it is voluntary hunger. Therefore, to fast as an Orthodox during Great Lent is to drive ourselves into a marginal situation in which we feel the demands of the body, but the power of the soul masters it.

This marginal situation is expedient to the tempter to betray us with the most powerful temptations. He does not have power over the struggling fasting Christian, but the Christian is lured by the weaknesses of the body, which the tempter believes he can exploit. This happened with Christ.