Tetrasyllable Discourse
In Which the Devil Laments his Defeat at the Hands of the Ascetics
By St. Ephraim the Syrian
When the wicked devil had been overpowered and defeated, he sat down in lamentation, saying in the midst of his weeping:
“Woe is me, the wretch! What is this that I have suffered? How is it that I have come away in defeat?
I have brought this shame upon myself by waging war with them so often. I should have known right away, when I was vanquished on my first and second assaults, that Christ was with them. For I used to love waging war on the saints, and my hatred for them grew, until I was finally disgraced. For I went away defeated, in great shame. My head was wounded by their heavy blows. I set snares for them, to trap them, but they snatched them up and crushed my head. The sharp arrows that I hurled at them they caught, and they used them to slay me. I assailed them with a variety of passions, but they put me to flight by the power of the Cross.
“Woe is me, the wretch! What is this that I have suffered? How is it that I have come away in defeat?
I have brought this shame upon myself by waging war with them so often. I should have known right away, when I was vanquished on my first and second assaults, that Christ was with them. For I used to love waging war on the saints, and my hatred for them grew, until I was finally disgraced. For I went away defeated, in great shame. My head was wounded by their heavy blows. I set snares for them, to trap them, but they snatched them up and crushed my head. The sharp arrows that I hurled at them they caught, and they used them to slay me. I assailed them with a variety of passions, but they put me to flight by the power of the Cross.